Quick set of questions that our clients ask us when they come to us for their fantasy sports projects.
Vinfotech came across some very interesting and decisive questions that were shot at us during our sales process. We loved to answer them and thought of sharing with the fantasy sports world.
Hi there!
Yes, we are aware of the developments in regards to Fanduel and Draftkings. This actually shows the potential in this genre of fantasy sports.
Fanduel is NOT coming with new offerings, they are actually merging/acquiring with Alpha-Draft. As for Draftkings they are ONLY offering LOL for now (in BETA) and have no plans of extending to other leading eSports since their main focus is in launching their European Portal (Draftkings UK offering Cricket and Soccer).
We have seen in the past that despite competition from these 2 companies, the industry is thriving. For every Fanduel you also have the likes of DraftDay and Victiv.
Vulcan is doing amazingly well and is NOT bothered by the competition offered by these 2 giants as eSports is not their core offering. They (Fanduel and Draftkings) are simply entering in this genre to get some stake in it. If we were to go with number only, then we are looking at a steady increase in users on monthly basis.
What we are envisioning is a PURE eSports platform offering nothing but eSports to the hardcore fans. This market is growing and will keep growing and will prefer to ALWAYS associate themselves with a company catering to them ONLY.
We are sitting on a potential Gold Mine and if done well (which we will), we can achieve great success in this domain.
Vinfotech has been offering consulting, design & development services for the fantasy sports startups and enterprises globally and have delivered some amazing eSport fantasy league for web and mobile platforms.
Vinfotech creates world’s best fantasy sports-based entertainment, marketing and rewards platforms for fantasy sports startups, sports leagues, casinos and media companies. We promise initial set of real engaged users to put turbo in your fantasy platform growth. Our award winning software vFantasy™ allows us to build stellar rewards platform faster and better. Our customers include Zee Digital, Picklive and Arabian Gulf League.